Tequila, Sotol, Mezcal, Raicilla, and Bacanora
Created from the Blue Agave (or century plant)
- Only made in five designated regions of Mexico
- The state of Jalisco is most associated with Tequila
- Can only be made with Blue Agave
- Two types of Tequila
– 100% Blue Agave
– 51%+ Mixto - Piñas are pressure cooked in industrial ovens called “autoclaves”
- Cooking does not impart any particular flavor characteristics
- One plant can produce 5-10 bottles
- Plant cannot be re-used
Created from the Desert Spoon (not a true agave plant due to recently changed taxonomy) they are actually part of the asparagus family of plants.
- Can only be produced in three states (Chihuahua, Coahuila and Durango)
~ They are harvested WILD
- Plants take 15 years to mature
- One plant produces one bottle
- Silver is called Plata
- Only ¾ of Piña is used
- Plant can be re-used by replanting remaining ¼ piña. The roots are not harvested or damaged so it can grow back – so more sustainable.
- Piñas are cooked in above ground ovens no smokiness)
- There are only a handful of Sotols imported into the US
Created from any agave plant (40-50 types of agave)
- Mezcal can only be made in eight designated regions in Mexico
- Mezcal was only recently regulated (1994) and certified (2005) in Mexico
- Cooked in below ground oven in earthen ovens or enclosed barrel that allows the flavor to develop over an extended period.
- Results in smoky taste profile
- There are approximately 70 Mezcal brands imported into the US
* There are 30 – 50 varieties
* Mezcal may be distilled once, twice, or three times. But double-distillation is the Norm in Oaxaca and most of Mexico.
Created from the Agave Maximiliana or Agave Raicilla
- There is no “date of origin” for Raicilla but there is an official council to promote
- The council has 70 members
- Is produced in Jalisco
- Piñas are cooked in above ground ovens
- No smoky taste
- Raicilla is typically single-distilled
- The epicenters of raicilla are on the coast south of Puerto Vallerta (“de la costa”), and in the Occidental Mountains (“de la sierras”).
~ Created from wild Agave Pacifica
- Can only be made from agavePacifica
- Can only be made in the state of Sonora
- Named after the town of Bacanora in Sonora
- Regulated by Consejo Sonorense Promotor de la Regulacion del Bacanora
- Piñas are cooked in below ground ovens
- Cooking results in smoky flavor profile
- Cooked for two days
- Cooled for two days
- Fermented 6-12 days
- Distilled at least 2 times